Sunday, March 15, 2009


We are home. This will be a short post because I want to turn my brain off for a while while the kid is still sleeping.

Last night was the best night's sleep I have had in what seems like a very long time. Our bed is stupidly large and incredibly soft (it was an investment. shoes and beds-two things I am not afraid to spend some money on--they are the two things that have a huge impact on how your entire body feels everyday!), and it's always so nice to come back to it after being gone. And as an added bonus, I have a hankering that Alex feels the same way about her bed. She went down about 7:30 last night--slept till NINE. THIS MORNING. Not one peep. And this is after me having to get up with her on an average two times a night for the past 3 weeks. Aye. It was a good night's sleep. I can only hope for this to continue.

The last few weeks have seemed like we were stuck on some awful tv show where crappy things just kept happening. Because they needed new plot lines. And we had some guys behind it all scratching their heads and asking each other, 'Where do we go from here? Oh! Kidney stones! That's a great idea!' But it's done now (I hope), and we are back home. And it feels right.

Aaand... we have new neighbors, and they look our age, and the woman looks pregnant (although I should probably not assume that the first time we talk... which we will talk... because I will force them to be our friends). I am totally considering making them brownies. Oooo with peanut butter chips. Those sound so good. Maybe I will make myself a batch first to make sure they are ok. :)

Well anyway- sorry this one is just rambling. I'm tired despite having slept great last night. Exhaustion is hard to overcome.

I will have pictures soon. I am hoping to throw Alex a "One-And-Then-Some" party... Her birthday fell on an unfortunate day this year (see: last post).

Time to go be a veggie.... aw crap- she's up.

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