Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stealing Moments.

I am typing this as I wait for water to boil. I am making a sweet potato casserole, for which I have to boil the potatoes for 10 minutes and bake them for 30 minutes.... and the rest of the dinner will be done in .... 10 minutes. So much for timing dinner correctly. At least it isn't a big holiday or anything.

Aw, crap.

It's Easter. Well, Happy Easter everyone! Hope your dinner is more... coordinated than ours will be. (Update- potatoes in water.) (Update-daughter up from nap.)

In other news, I am realizing (well, ok, I've known this for a while, but the list continues to grow) that I am rather spoiled when it comes to Alex.
1)She LOVES when I brush her teeth. I hear that this is not normal. She actually cries when I finish.

2)She LOVES having her shoes and socks and jackets put on. It's a game. If she finds her shoes around the house, she will bring them to me and cry until I put them on. Even if she has only one. Then she walks in a circle for fifteen minutes because she is lopsided. But, again, I hear this is not normal.

3)Aside from it being in prime naptime, I cannot use her as an excuse as to why we do not make it to church every Sunday. When we go, she just laughs and dances and talks to everyone around us. She is so good. Today she was a bit loud, but it was my own fault. I mistakenly brought her monkey stuffed animal along with the other 'quiet' toys I usually drag into church with us, and upon seeing said monkey, she continued to make monkey noises for the next 15 minutes of the service, all of which were in the middle of the sermon. Sorry Pastor Jim. My bad. (The monkey is the only animal noise she makes. She laughs when I snort and moo, but the only one she actually mimics is the monkey. It's pretty humorous, if I do say so myself.)

4)She LOVES taking medicine. Which could perhaps be a bad thing in the future, but for these molar-growing days, it's perfect.

5)She LOVES everyone. Well, not everyone, but pretty much. I can only think of two people who she is shy with, but I contend that it's the huge mustaches that appear to be getting ready to attack her as they lean in for a kiss. But really, I've never had a problem with dropping her off to be babysat. Even if she hasn't seem them in 6 months... which is, lest I remind you, HALF OF HER LIFE. It's impressive. And the little twinge of 'fine-don't-miss-me-I'm-just-your-MOTHER' only lasts for about 5 minutes on my side, which I think is also quite impressive.

She has her quirks, but I am pretty sure that I will be paying for this simplicity with the next child. Although I do like to think that I pay for it while being pregnant for 10 months. (Only 9 more weeks to go!)

Must go tend to food.

Happy Easter!

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