Monday, July 26, 2010

Dynamic Duo

Paul and I make a good team. We each have our strengths, and eventually we get around to admitting our weaknesses. It only takes us a little bit to sync with one another and stop grouching and just get the job done. And we only very rarely resort to just ignoring one another for a little bit until the other finally admits that it was actually YOUR idea that worked. ...

We make a good team.

This was very apparent yesterday, as we painted over our daughter's very colorful room (me, with a heavy heart). Here are just a few of the tidbits from our adventures:

Laura: *Surprised yelp*

Paul: What happened?

Laura: I got paint on my eye! *begins to lift the tail of her shirt up to wipe the paint off*


Laura: ....

Laura: Oops.

Paul: ...what happened?

Laura: ...nothing.

Paul: *goes back to work*

Laura: Hey, Paul?

Paul: Ya?

Laura: Can you go turn the power off? Quickly?

Laura: Oops.

Paul: What happened?

Laura: ...nothing.

Paul: ...What happened?

Laura: Nothing! ...but we are carpeting this floor right?

Laura: Oops.

Paul: How about you go clean out the fridge? I'll finish this.

Laura: ...are you sure?

Paul: YES.

Laura: .... I love you?

Paul: Go.

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