Thursday, September 17, 2009


There's too many things going on at the moment. Paul and I have somehow landed at some major crossroad in our lives, where decisions must be made and 'adult' things accomplished. I am not sure how we got here.... one minute we were walking along just fine, and all of a sudden, there are 10 HUGE MAJOR LIFE-CHANGING decisions that NEED TO BE DECIDED NOW! NOW! NOW! And I have several different voices in my head saying, nay, yelling at me, telling me to go here, or do this, or eat that, or DON'T EAT THAT, IT'S TEN POINTS YOU FOOL! And it all starts sounding like the noises that Alex makes when you are making her food and she has lost all sorts of patience. It's the type of noise that makes your brain melt and your eyes cross and the dog howl. NOT PLEASANT.

So in lieu of all of these things that require me to use far too much of my brain power all at once, I decided to write a post about absolutely nothing. Enjoy.

Yesterday we took Alex to her 18 month check-up. (And here is where I say, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW BIG SHE IS!!!) She checked out healthy as a horse... er... kid. She's right on course for verbal skills, motor skills, drive-da-mama nuts skills. And her weight. 20 pounds. Exactly. TWENTY POUNDS. To put that in perspective, Eli is 15 months younger than her, and weighs 14 pounds. Wow. I knew she was tiny, but that astounds me. She is in the 2% range for weight, and the 45% range for head circumference. No wonder she is always falling over. (Case in point, yesterday she was sitting on the coffee table [points for me] and for no good reason, she tipped over and fell off. Who knows?)

Well. I was planning on writing more, but I hear Alex screaming "UH....OOHHHHH" on the monitor, which is never a good omen. Wish me luck.

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