Friday, March 26, 2010

Distraction Techniques.

This will be short as I am on my way out the door, but I wanted to throw this up here before I left. I have been having to 'go out of the box' lately when it comes to keeping both the kids busy while I get things done like, you know, cook and, when I am feeling very luxurious and in the need for some pampering, going to the bathroom with the door closed, get this, without any children in there with me. I know. Big dreams over here.

Anyway. I stumbled upon this last night, and I think it may be a lifesaver. We had sat down to make a video for Paul (which I may post on here later), and after we were done, I left the program up so Alex could see herself. She sat there for about an hour while I made dinner, watching this funny little girl she could see on the screen. It was so dang cute I had to get some of it on film, and after that was done, she sat there even longer watching the video over and over again.

If you've not had the pleasure of meeting her yet, this gives a good insight.


Sara said...

Adorable :) Who knew this could be such easy self-entertainment?! (now that Calvin entertains himself in the exersaucer I have an extra 15 minutes to myself! WHO KNEW?!) Love and miss you guys!

Stephanie White said...

This. Is. Awesome.

Narcissism is so handy.

And I love (read: hate) how you cut it off so we couldn't see her freak out.

Manda said...

She is so cute! And I am TOTALLY doing this with Syd soon to see what she does! Fun!