Tuesday, March 3, 2009


-for a grieving family that's not able to come up for a breath quite yet.

-for strength to endure what's ahead.

-for patience for the poor kids who don't quite know what's going on, just that they have to be quiet for way too long and have to sit still for much longer than their little bodies allow.

Paul's grandmother passed away last Friday, and after recieving the news at nearly midnight, we packed and left early the next morning. After 14 hours in the car (wouldn't you know a snow storm was ripping through the states we needed to drive thru that day), we were here and with his family. There were two long but neccessary days at the funeral home, a trip to the hospital for myself (never good when a urine sample looks like cherry koolaid- everything is fine, just a few kidney stones [yay for great timing!]), a beautiful service on Friday, a trip to the vet for Violet who somehow smashed her tail into pathetic limpness (that's fine too- a day later it was back to Alex-whapping capacity [timing is everything!]), and a 101.5 degree fever and four teeth for Alex (timing is my friend!).

His grandmother was a wonderful woman- strong, joyful, and loved by so many. I actually remember her from when I was younger. She suffered a stroke many years ago and has not been quite whole since. Her family is a strong one though- they rallied and stuck by her side. Her husband and children took care of her for 12 long years. A few weeks ago, Paul's grandpa became ill and was admitted to the hospital. It was then that his grandma's body finally had had enough, and she went to join her Savior. Now, grandpa is facing terminal cancer, and it could be quite soon when he joins his wife, whole and new, in heaven. The situation is, as I have put it several times, shitty at best. It seems like alot of blows all at once, and the family needs strength. So please, prayers, prayers, prayers. Strength for them, strength for those of us trying to offer them some of our own strength.

Paul had to return to St. Louis for work and for class, but Alex and I stayed behind to avoid two twelve hour road trips for the little girl back to back.

We are tired. We are both stretched really thin. And in need of a very long vacation. On some secluded beach somewhere.

1 comment:

Manda said...

Oh Lar! I'm so sorry. Please get some rest. Praying for you.