Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shamrock Shakes and Nasty Needles.

There are a few moments in every person's life where they are struck with some kind of light bulb-worthy idea. Or maybe 'idea' isn't what I'm going for. Just some kind of mental hurdle they have finally overcome. Sometimes is getting over some kind of racism, or sexism, or any other kind of bigotry that you've been holding on to for years and years. Sometimes it's finally patching up things with a long-lost relative who you've been on the outs with for some time. Or perhaps, like me, it was when finally decided to throw your hatred of the Shamrock Shake to the wind and begin to ingest them at alarming (and perhaps unhealthy) rates. But, I'm pregnant, and being pregnant sucks for me, so I allow myself these indulgences. Yes, I have to vomit for 3 months, but then I get to suck back dozens of shamrock shakes! Yes, I have to constantly assure myself that my esophagus is not going anywhere despite the wild-fire that seems to be raging in there, but... cool it with some shamrock shakes! It makes me so sad to think that I've missed out on years and years of these delicious things.... But why, may I ask those shamrock veterans, do they take it away so dang quickly!!!! I was on the verge of weeping today when no less than 3 Mcdonalds told me they were out (yep, Paul went through all of those without even an eyeroll in my direction. Me being pregnant sucks for him too). It's not even 24 hours after St. Patrick's Day, and they are all gone. I'm so sad.

Well, today's shake was supposed to be my reward for (being pregnant) going to the doctor's office this morning. I had to chug a disgustingly thick orange 'thing' this morning, then get pricked and poked and have blood stolen from me and, not only that, they stole my pee too, then to top it all off, they shot me in the butt on my way out. Nothing like assuming the position with a very large and in charge nurse coming at me, telling me to drop my drawers and bend over. "Don't worry, darling, this won't hurt a bit," she cooed in my ear as she shot a few ounces of what must have been peanut butter into my derriere. And no, the pretty pink bandage did not make it feel better. That was what the SHAKE was supposed to do! Whine.

We also had Alex's one year appointment today. Paul and I were hoping that she finally had hit the 20 pound stage because then we could run out and get her a new carseat that faced forward. But, no luck. She's still at 17 and a little. Which places her firmly in the 5th percentile... and what is her head circumfrance at? 44th percentile. Atta girl. Mommy's smart girl. So, we'll wait on the carseat, and get a college fund going instead. She also got poked today. Twice in the leg. Now, she hasn't started speaking yet, but I think she made herself pretty clear. The nurses left with downcast eyes and hunched shoulders.

All in all, it's been a busy day. I finally grabbed my camera out of the car, so we should get some pictures pretty soon.

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