So... I'm pregnant. I don't know if I've mentioned that on here or not. And being pregnant makes things hard(er than normal). (And really, I want to apologize for complaining all of the time on here... but... it is my outlet... so you'll just have to bear with me for a few more months) The other day, I went to the bank. As it was in the middle of the day, I was totting along Alex in her stroller as well. I finished my business, then headed out to my car. At this particular bank, there are two sets of big heavy double doors that you must go through in order to get in or out. This is hard to do while you are pregnant and trying to maneuver a stroller as well (and it's not one of those handy steer-with-one-hand types either). As I reached the first door, going out remember, I noticed that there was a younger man following behind me. He must have been in his twenties, and, as far as I could tell, perfectly capable of opening a door. But he was on his phone. And, gasp!, holding a piece of paper! So, maybe that's why he let me go ahead and struggle with door number one. I thought to myself, well, that's ok. Because by no means would I want to draw his attention away from his conversation, or, even worse, cause his to shift the single piece of paper from one hand to the other. That would be rude of me. When we hit door number two, I kind of expected him to get it this time. Like we were a tag-team. But, there's me being selfish again. Still holding the paper, Laura! Still on the phone! And of course, you know how big and chunky and heavy cell phones are these days. So, I begin the struggle again... swing door open, catch with foot, back self out first, follow with stroller, apologize to daughter for hitting her head on other door, remove stroller from path of door, pick self up off of ground after tripping on stroller. You know, the whole deal. And to be honest, I was so thrilled at having actually gotten out of the bank, I let the door go as soon as my large rear end passed the threshold, without so much of a thought for my young friend. Not that I meant not to hold the door for him, but, me, pregnant, no blood in my brain, all in my uterus. It just took me that short amount of time to forget that I was being followed. I am sure in most cases I would have gone on my merry way, oblivious to the rudeness of my action, but this guy, being the gentleman that he was, actually took the time to catch up to me in the parking lot, walk right up to me and say (in the most sincere of voices, I assure you), "Thanks for holding the door for me," laugh to whomever he was on the phone with, and walk away. ... Honestly, for a moment I wished I was not pregnant, only because then I would have had a tampon in my purse that I would have gladly and unapologeticly shoved into his ear.
Moving on.
Today I had a fight with my camera. It was trying to withhold the pictures that were still on it, but I perservered, and I won. So here they are... the last that this Canon A80 will ever take. This was when it was puttering out on me, and stuck on full zoom. So... not the best quality of shots. But I tried to doctor them up a little so they were worth something. Enjoy. These may be the last pictures for a while....

You really should have thrown your purse at his head. Asshole.
You didn't trip him....much better person than me.
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