Anyway, I've been doing a lot of baking and cooking lately, and because of that I have been really looking forward to my birthday this year. I knew it would a perfect opportunity to do the most ridiculous cake recipe I could find, one that I would never have an excuse to do otherwise. The winner? Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes. ... go ahead and read that again.
Irish. Car Bomb. Cupcakes.
Oh my word. I started them yesterday while the kids were both down for their afternoon naps. It was a little more labor intensive that I had thought in the beginning, but that was ok. They were fun to make. I had a moment of doubt in the beginning. I had to mix 2 (TWO!!) sticks of butter with the Guiness and a bunch of cocoa powder. It was heating on the stove, and it just smelled so good that I stuck my finger in and grabbed a taste. It was so awful. So bitter. I couldn't believe it. I was a little worried that the end product would be inedible (which, in hindsight, wouldn't have been too bad, because then I could just choose another recipe to do!). But... I worried for nothing. These cupcakes are the most delicious and rich cupcakes I have ever tasted.
They have a Guinness chocolate base, with a Baileys-infused ganache in the middle (which is the most wonderful surprise when you bite into them!), and a Baileys butter-cream frosting on top. The frosting is like kick-you-in-the-mouth Baileys, so much so that I made a few with a simple white frosting on them for the kids. I don't think the officer would understand when they were stumbling around drunk that, SIR! IT WAS THE CUPCAKES!
I didn't get a picture of the inside because when I took the first bite, my eyes dilated and my nostrils flared and then my memory just went black until I was standing in the kitchen with cupcake residue smeared all over my face.
The recipe can be found here, and if you have time, I highly suggest browsing through her website. I have tried a ton of recipes I found there, and not once have I been let down.
In other non-related news, I snapped a video of the 'other one' this morning, so if the kids ever look back at this blog, neither one can say they were featured more than the other. Nothing like planning ahead!! Enjoy my sweet sweet daughter.
Uhm, let me just put my address here so you can MAIL ME THOSE. Wowee they look (and sound) amazing. Happy Birthday!! Also? I cannot believe you're only 26. You're superwoman.
One, her blowing of kisses (especially the first one) is a.dorable. Second, when did she get so BIG? And C, you should ask Chad about the time he dove his finger into the cocoa powder I had measured for brownies before the sugar was added. Hah. It'll teach him to stay away from my foods before they're finished! LOVE you :)
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