Sunday, July 4, 2010

One of the family.

When things are already stressful because of things that are beyond our control, it's hard to see the silver lining of joy sometimes. It's hard to look past the sleepless nights (thank you teeth!), and the early mornings, and the constant whine that's sputtering out of my kids mouths.

But sometimes, it's sinfully easy. And those times fill me up and sustain me for the time being.

And soooometimes... I even catch them on video to share!

Eli has become quite the jokester. Between yelling BANANANANANANANA at various times in the day, looking like the hottest cock in the hen-house as he's standing there not holding onto anything, and scrunching up his hands and mumbling "giggle giggle giggle giggle" (read- tickle tickle tickle tickle), he's cracking me up. I find myself just laughing with delight with our interactions now, which is just so fun. I forgot how fun this transition was, from babyhood to toddlerhood, when the interaction is more than just butt-cleaning and boob-feeding.

I do want to mention how hard it was for me to make this video so short. What I wanted to do was keep the camera recording for our entire dinner, just so you could hear how funny he was, and how hysterically Alex was laughing at him. But I kept it short so I could load it on here, and because I realize that not everyone wants to watch hour long videos of my children.

Enjoy. (and because I think a caption is necessary for this video, I will just let you know that what Eli is doing is 'sneezing'. Alex fake-sneezes all the time, with her head thrown back like that, and it's a game for me to say "BLESS YOU!" right after, and it goes on and on and on as toddler games do. Apparently Eli picked up on it.) (Also, I LOVE this game because now when I sneeze, I will hear Alex say BLESS YOU from the other room. So precious.)

1 comment:

Stephanie White said...

An hour would be long, yeah. But 22 seconds? COME ON! Give us more!