Monday, December 8, 2008

Life at the G to the Ma's

As told by Alex:

I crawl. And I stand. That's right. Stand up. And crawl. Very quickly.

I learn what snow is for the first time. And even though I can't move that much in my gigantic warm thing, I seem to enjoy it.

I play with mommy... in stationary positions of course.

I eat lots of yummy solid food (including, most recently, finger food... big steps for my little mouth... with SEVEN teeth)

And after I am done, if I am still hungry, Grandma lets me eat the bowl.

I think that's silly.

Hang with mommy. While sitting still. She's a blast, let me tell you.

Hang with big cousins... who used to push me around, but then I figured out that if I scream when they take toys away from me, I usually get them back.

Then we end the day with a nice warm bath. ...To be an infant.

Thanks for listening. Now listen to this.


Wrensmith said...

Beautiful...just you both!!

RSA Roundtable said...

My niece totally has those soft block/cube things that were in the background of the video. They are like one of my favorite toys.

Stephanie White said...

How is your Alex so FREAKING CUTE?!??!!!

LarMar said...

stephanie, are you questioning the cuteness of her parents??