Partying it up with some friends. Chose a family theme. Started with Alex as our bag lady (please notice the shopping cart... and fingerless gloves). Paul and I are homeless. And then we have our cat. ...Er.... Lion. (All the cat costumes were a bit too feline for my liking.) Upon arrival, first person who sees us says, "Oh good! You didn't dress up either!" Fail. Second person says, "No! They dressed up! They are Winter People!" Fail. I decided to rethink our costumes for the big day.
Act Two:
Buy tiger costume on sale. Also purchase huge bag of candy. Eat lots of the candy before nightfall (there is a reason I don't buy the candy till the day of). Have a wonderful time walking around the block with the kiddies. Night was saved by our wonderful neighbors and their wonderful wagon. Which I am now coveting.
Act Three:
Oldest must have been tuckered out. Fell asleep mid-paci-hunt. There is a reason we check on her before we go to bed. Surprisingly enough, this is NOT the first time we have found her under her bed.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness she fell asleep UNDER HER BED? That is the cutest thing I have ever even HEARD OF. I MUST GET ME MORE OF THESE BABIES!!
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