Friday, October 28, 2011

A new find.

I just stumbled across this blog, and it's had me sitting here, scrolling through the back-logs of posts, reading about this woman's journey of weight loss and finding her happy self, without the back-breaking sweat and toil of the gym, and the disheartening view of all things food related.  Please, go, browse.  Check out her weight loss journey, and her views on exercise.  Currently, I am running every day in an effort to train for a 25k, but it is not something that I will be doing for the rest of my days.  It's not 'an escape' for me, it's a goal I set because I knew it would be hard.  And it's been too long since I've pushed through and finished something, so I wanted whatever it was to be BIG.  To be SOMETHING.  To be a moment in my life that I (and my husband and my kids) can be proud of.  Because it doesn't come easily or naturally.  I hate it.  But I'm doing it.  For now.

Go, read, and be merry.

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