Thursday, October 30, 2008

Spoke to soon.

Things spiraling downward quickly. Starting to panic just a bit because in my euphoric new mother stage I forgot just how awful it was... and now I am being reminded. I sound like a dying cow about twice a day now. Water makes me nauseous. Noooooot gooooood.

I love being pregnant. I love being pregnant. I love being pregnant. I love being pregnant. I love being pregnant.

I really hate being pregnant.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trick or Treat, smell my feet....

...and if they smell anything like chicken, I just may vomit.

I don't know what it is about chicken and pregnancy for me. They just don't mix. Perhaps it was, upon hearing of my queasy reactions at the sight of raw chicken, my husband chasing me around last pregnancy holding fresh-out-of-the-bloody package chicken while clucking? Nah. Couldn't be. (Love you, dear.)

Last pregnancy it was untoasted bagels and puppy chow that got me through the nausea. This time it's been fruit-by-the-foot fruit snacks and toast with spinach dip on it. Yum. That's a well-rounded diet, me thinks. But, this time is really not comparable with my last pregnancy. Instead of throwing up 3 times a day, I am only losing my fight about once every other day, which is a vast improvement. I feel like I am going to vomit twenty-four-seven, but not actually throwing up gives me hope.

I know. You like hearing about this stuff. I can tell.

Must go lay down. Computer making me dizzy.....

Pregnancy is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't go to the doctor if you don't want to find out what's wrong.


I have some news.

I had been having some troubles for quite some time now, three months to be exact. I finally gave in and went to the doctor, because the symptoms I was having were definitely not normal. Well, the prognosis may surprise you (probably not though, because you probably already know). It surprised me.

And it definitely surprised Paul.

Yep. Number two is on the way. Doc thinks I am about 4 weeks along (which would put me in June), but it's hard to tell at this point. And let me tell you that I had taken no less than FIVE pregnancy tests in the last 2 months, and they were ALL negative. So I was definitely not expecting this. But we are EXCITED. We won't be finding out the gender with this one either, so don't get your hopes up.

Alex's reaction? She was speechless.

It was really fun for a day, then the morning sickness began to set in, and then I remembered why I would rather push 12 children our rather than be pregnant for nine months again. Does anyone know any women that think being pregnant is the best time of their lives? Please give me their address. I would like to hit them.

Because I am rapidly descending into the land of vomit, I will be going up to Michigan to take a huge leap backwards in my independent life and bunk up with my parents for a while. I need the help with Alex desperately, and this seemed like the best option. I am excited for her to get some quality face time with her family in Michigan... so... all of it.

Not sure when I am going to have the stomach to post again. This one has been in the works since last Wednesday, soo.... it may be a while.

Cheers to you and to my (apparently very fertile) womb.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Your job, as journalists, is to tell the truth. That's what you claim you do, when you accept people's money to buy or subscribe to your paper.

But right now, you are consenting to or actively promoting a big fat lie -- that the housing crisis should somehow be blamed on Bush, McCain, and the Republicans. You have trained the American people to blame everything bad -- even bad weather -- on Bush, and they are responding as you have taught them to.

If you had any personal honor, each reporter and editor would be insisting on telling the truth -- even if it hurts the election chances of your favorite candidate.

Because that's what honorable people do. Honest people tell the truth even when they don't like the probable consequences. That's what honesty means. That's how trust is earned.

Barack Obama is just another politician, and not a very wise one. He has revealed his ignorance and naivete time after time -- and you have swept it under the rug, treated it as nothing.

Meanwhile, you have participated in the borking of Sarah Palin, reporting savage attacks on her for the pregnancy of her unmarried daughter -- while you ignored the story of John Edwards's own adultery for many months."

Read the rest.

Obama scares me. He really does. And the fact that people will go so out of their way to get this man into office scares me more. People's credit cards are being charged without their consent for thousands of dollars for OBAMA FOR AMERICA. Lies are being told and fostered by those who we are supposed to be able to trust to get to the heart of the matter. Poor Joe the plumber is being torn apart because he asked Obama a tough question. Because Obama said what he did, the "spread the wealth" comment, Joe is being ripped apart. I just don't understand how people are so quick to accept that Obama will not continue to be the man that he's been in the past. He wouldn't have gotten as far as he has in this race if he kept his old associations, but can you really believe that Rev. Wright was a Amecia-lovin' holy man for the last 25 years and all of a sudden has these awful things to say when Obama gets the nomination? If that was the case, you would think that more people would have left that church besides Obama, but it seems that others were well aware of Rev. Wright's positions.

Obama wants to look to the past to discredit McCain, but he gets affronted when anyone uses his past against him. Just makes you think, what's he hiding? Well, not much, it's just that people choose to not see what's in front of them.

I promise I am really trying to keep politics out of this blog, but it's hard. This is a big election, and either way we go, it's going to have a huge impact on our futures. I can only hope that if Obama gets elected, that I am wrong about him.

I promise the next post will be MUCH more exciting.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mmmm... maybe think of something else to say...

When I am wandering around the mall near my house, I usually tend to stop in Things Remembered to say hello to the gals I worked with while I was pregnant. It's usually a pleasant visit, filled with updates on the current gossip as well as the unavoidable gushing over Alex, who is usually with me.

One of the girls, however, upon seeing me... EVERY SINGLE TIME... only has one thing to say,

"You look tired."

I could be bouncing off the walls, feeling better and more awake and put together than I have since the day I first got sick with Alex, and it's always,

"You look tired."

And I can tell her that I feel great, but she just responds with,

"Oh. Well, you look tired."

So now I just tell her it's my thing. You know, like short hair. Short hair and big bags. It's my thing. Thanks for noticing.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Continuation: The Most Perfect of Perfect Nights

Last night: Sucked.

We were up from before 2 until after 4. Alex was crying. Screaming in obvious pain. We thought it might be her throat, because it would erupt after she would burp or yawn or anything of the sort. We called the on-call pediatrician, and they said to give her some tylenol (which we already had), and just try and calm her down. If it didn't stop, they said we should take her to the ER. I was not composed, I assure you. Thank God that by the time the doctor called back, Paul had managed to get her to sleep. We stayed up and held her for a little bit to make sure she was out (this was an HOUR after we gave her the tylenol), and managed to get her into her swing without waking her up. She got up a few times, whimpering. The saddest whimper I've ever heard. Her voice is shot from being sick and crying so hard. We went to the doctor first thing this morning, and during the ear exam, she starts screaming. There, that's what it was. She's got an ear infection. I officially HATE ear infections.

Today, she's been happy for the most part. Every once in a while, she'll start whimpering, but it passes quickly. The doctor warned us that this could get worse before it gets better, so we are preparing ourselves for another hard night. And it's not even 10 in the morning. Ack.

Stupid Daycare.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Most Perfect of Perfect Days

The joy of motherhood. Sometimes it's overwhelming.

Recently I have started working out 3 mornings a weeks. I do this, yes, to get healthy, but also because I work out at the YMCA where they have FREE DAYCARE. I was a little hesitant to drop Alex off the first time, giving her up to what looked like a 15 year old girl with 5 toddler boys running circles around her. But I got her back in one piece, happy as a clam. Since then, it's been pretty easy to give her up and enjoy an hour of working out and not having to worry if Alex is chewing on the power chords again. (Kids.) (And no, that's never happened.) (She's much more interested in dog toys and shoes.) Anyway, I had a pretty stable relationship with daycare. I give, I take. Then daycare gave something back. A big fat cold for Alex's face. Boo.

The past few days have been filled with not alot of sleep, alot of snot, alot of crying, and not a whole lot of eating (on Alex's part... I, on the other hand, have been stuffing my face... you know... to cope with all the CRYING). Yesterday was the peak of snottiness, I believe. The night before, we got no sleep, up every 2 hours. Each time, I was forced to clean out her nose with a few drops of saline solution and a good suction, which she loathes, I assure you. She was having trouble eating because of it, as well. And the pacifier. THE PACIFIER. SHE CAN'T SLEEP WITHOUT THE PACIFIER. AND SHE CAN'T SUCK WITH A NOSE FULL OF SNOT. That was a long night. The next day, Paul left for work, and we got up just after 6. Lots of suctioning, lots of crying. She didn't go down for a nap until 2. (To put that in perspective, usually her first nap is before 9.) And 20 minutes into it, I hear her GASPING FOR AIR over the monitor. I go in, and she's balling because she can't breathe with the pacifier in. So I gathered her up, and rocked her back to sleep, with her sitting up because that helped the snot settle into a more desirable position. I spent the next hour and half in that chair. Finally, last night, at 10 (again... bedtime is usually between 7 and 8), we had the stroke of genius and put her to bed in her swing. So the swing went in her room, the humidifier got put on full blast, and the poor thing slept till 5:30 this morning. I fed her, she promptly went back to sleep, and slept till 9:15. I actually did something right!! Yay! Today, she's still a bit snotty, but she's been an absolute angel. She took a good long nap in her swing, and has been playing wonderfully the rest of the time. It was a much better day today.

I am being a good patron of day care and not taking her back until she is over this. Mostly because I am hoping karma is on my side and when this circles back around because SOMEONE IS NOT AS GOOD OF A DAY CARE PATRON AS I AM, it might skip us because we tried to stop the cycle. Hopefully.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sorry to get political...

...But this is a great article. (The link of this site is and has been on the left side of this page, but I figured I would bring your attention to this article in particular.) Written by someone who used to support Obama. Here's a clip:

"Obama is the typical cynical politician, putting negative spin on everything his opponent does and denying his own past statements and actions. If Obama were a Republican, he would quickly learn that any such hypocrisy would be nailed by the media and harped on endlessly.

But because the mainstream media are relentlessly partisan on Obama's behalf, he is always surprised and shocked when his deceptions and stupidities are exposed. How dare those nasty conservative talk radio hosts and bloggers interfere with his coronation! Can't they see that Obama is the one anointed by the leftist media establishment?

Here's the problem, Mr. Obama. Back when you were still saying nothing, you looked very promising to people like me, who thought of you as what you claimed to be -- a great conciliator.

But since Hillary took the gloves off and bloodied you at the end of the primary season, you have been forced to take firm positions on issues and to defend yourself against criticism -- you have been forced to let us see who you are.

And who are you?"

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's here.

Recipes for you!

You will also find the link on the left side of this page from now on. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Who IS this child??

Alex's new thing:

Not sure where she picked that one up from...

Make sense? Sure.

So, we have a minivan. It's pretty great. There have, however, been a few snags in our almost perfect relationship. When we went to bring the van home, one of the lights came up. We didn't even make it out of the parking lot before we had to turn it back around. Thankfully, they fixed that right away. Yesterday another light came on. Boo. We had just dropped off Paul's car (formerly my HHR) at his dealership to get the oil changed. So we talked with them, explained that it's pretty ridiculous that these lights keep coming on when the car is not even a week old. They ended up giving us a free rental car for the day to placate us (Paul... let's face it.. I am not confrontational enough to do these types of things). Now, to paint the picture, imagine me, Paul, and Alex waiting. She is in her carseat, which is in her stroller. And what do we see pull up for us?


Not that I don't enjoy a good gas-guzzler (which we had to pay for). And not that I don't enjoy lugging the car seat into the back seat of this. And not that I don't enjoy feeling like I am one step away from being at the top of Mt. Everest by the time I get into the driver's seat. Well, what am I saying? This car is perfect.

In other news, our deck was apparently the place to be if you were a bug yesterday.

Well, I was going to write more, but I have 6 kids running circles around my house right now because their dog is jumping all of the fences in the neighborhood.... So I should go take care of that....
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