Friday, October 10, 2008

The Most Perfect of Perfect Days

The joy of motherhood. Sometimes it's overwhelming.

Recently I have started working out 3 mornings a weeks. I do this, yes, to get healthy, but also because I work out at the YMCA where they have FREE DAYCARE. I was a little hesitant to drop Alex off the first time, giving her up to what looked like a 15 year old girl with 5 toddler boys running circles around her. But I got her back in one piece, happy as a clam. Since then, it's been pretty easy to give her up and enjoy an hour of working out and not having to worry if Alex is chewing on the power chords again. (Kids.) (And no, that's never happened.) (She's much more interested in dog toys and shoes.) Anyway, I had a pretty stable relationship with daycare. I give, I take. Then daycare gave something back. A big fat cold for Alex's face. Boo.

The past few days have been filled with not alot of sleep, alot of snot, alot of crying, and not a whole lot of eating (on Alex's part... I, on the other hand, have been stuffing my face... you know... to cope with all the CRYING). Yesterday was the peak of snottiness, I believe. The night before, we got no sleep, up every 2 hours. Each time, I was forced to clean out her nose with a few drops of saline solution and a good suction, which she loathes, I assure you. She was having trouble eating because of it, as well. And the pacifier. THE PACIFIER. SHE CAN'T SLEEP WITHOUT THE PACIFIER. AND SHE CAN'T SUCK WITH A NOSE FULL OF SNOT. That was a long night. The next day, Paul left for work, and we got up just after 6. Lots of suctioning, lots of crying. She didn't go down for a nap until 2. (To put that in perspective, usually her first nap is before 9.) And 20 minutes into it, I hear her GASPING FOR AIR over the monitor. I go in, and she's balling because she can't breathe with the pacifier in. So I gathered her up, and rocked her back to sleep, with her sitting up because that helped the snot settle into a more desirable position. I spent the next hour and half in that chair. Finally, last night, at 10 (again... bedtime is usually between 7 and 8), we had the stroke of genius and put her to bed in her swing. So the swing went in her room, the humidifier got put on full blast, and the poor thing slept till 5:30 this morning. I fed her, she promptly went back to sleep, and slept till 9:15. I actually did something right!! Yay! Today, she's still a bit snotty, but she's been an absolute angel. She took a good long nap in her swing, and has been playing wonderfully the rest of the time. It was a much better day today.

I am being a good patron of day care and not taking her back until she is over this. Mostly because I am hoping karma is on my side and when this circles back around because SOMEONE IS NOT AS GOOD OF A DAY CARE PATRON AS I AM, it might skip us because we tried to stop the cycle. Hopefully.

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