I have some news.
I had been having some troubles for quite some time now, three months to be exact. I finally gave in and went to the doctor, because the symptoms I was having were definitely not normal. Well, the prognosis may surprise you (probably not though, because you probably already know). It surprised me.
And it definitely surprised Paul.
Yep. Number two is on the way. Doc thinks I am about 4 weeks along (which would put me in June), but it's hard to tell at this point. And let me tell you that I had taken no less than FIVE pregnancy tests in the last 2 months, and they were ALL negative. So I was definitely not expecting this. But we are EXCITED. We won't be finding out the gender with this one either, so don't get your hopes up.
Alex's reaction? She was speechless.
It was really fun for a day, then the morning sickness began to set in, and then I remembered why I would rather push 12 children our rather than be pregnant for nine months again. Does anyone know any women that think being pregnant is the best time of their lives? Please give me their address. I would like to hit them.
Because I am rapidly descending into the land of vomit, I will be going up to Michigan to take a huge leap backwards in my independent life and bunk up with my parents for a while. I need the help with Alex desperately, and this seemed like the best option. I am excited for her to get some quality face time with her family in Michigan... so... all of it.
Not sure when I am going to have the stomach to post again. This one has been in the works since last Wednesday, soo.... it may be a while.
Cheers to you and to my (apparently very fertile) womb.
Sending you some good vibes lady!
OMG! you are a baby machiiiiine!
Congrats! Sleep is overrated!
I hope your family can help you out! Get some rest and let the grandparents spoil Alex.
Where in MI? We live in GR.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I hope you have the energy for some e-chatting with me you crazy people.
Friend of Manda's here. Congratulations.
holy batman! um, congrats! so, I'm back now for awhile-sometime soon I'll let you know how everything went (I've kinda had 8 hours of sleep since Monday...and all of that was last night). It's been a huge suck-fest, but best training ever.
Just checking in & was blown away to read this post with a story amazingly similar to my own! I'm due July 1, 2009! Miss you on Xanga!
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