Friday, January 9, 2009

Attempt Numero Uno

At least I am trying... but apparently all fun things go down the drain when the camera comes out. Typical. I'll keep trying.


I am feeling number two kick around in there alot now. Still little flutters, but it's nice to be to that point. I had a nice moment the other night. Alex's bedtime routine includes a video that we watch just so she knows what's coming. Normally she lies on my chest and watches it, sometimes drifting off right before the end. The other night, however, she was restless and kept moving around. She finally ended up with her body on the couch and her head on my stomach. She began to lay quite still, and I was wondering why until I realized that number 2 was kicking me (Alex) like crazy. Alex ended up falling asleep right on top, and I may or may not have teared up at the sweetness of the moment (later, it occured to me that number 2 was just trying to get that big fatty off of his or her living space... but whatever).

It's nice to have those moments in between the nausea, exhaustion, and incredibly stupid and sometimes terrifying dreams (who knew fishing could be so scary?! Dad! Why wouldn't you help me back in the boat?!?!).

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