Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, we gave in. At the last minute (quite literally), Paul and I decided to find out what we are having. I wanted to be able to use just one pronoun when referring to the child, and I wanted to be able to have all of the clothes separated before he/she came (see how annoying that is?).

I tried to take a picture of the ultrasound, but it came out too blurry every time. Then I tried to use the paint application to draw a picture for you (I even used the spray paint thing to make it look blurry), but everything I could draw came out looking completely wrong and much too dirty to be baby's first picture. Sorry about that. I'll show you in person next time I see you. I can't post them because then I would have to change the rating on the website, 18 and up, adult content. Seriously.

So, drum roll...

It's a BOY!

Holy cow. What am I going to do with a boy??

Don't get me wrong, I am way excited that we get a son. Paul's been walking around with an extra bounce in his step since we found out. But all I know is girls right now. I suppose I will learn just like I did with this one. And I suppose that they will be pretty much be the same for quite a while. Sleep, eat, cry. I can handle that.

In other news, we have been having quite the homeowners adventure in this house. We have been on the market for a new TV stand since Alex even thought about being mobile. Because the movers broke our old one during the move from England, we have been using just a glass table that's completely open and completely full of baby hazards. Glass, sharp edges, exposed wires perfect for chewing. Anyway, we have been on the hunt for one that has doors but doesn't cost us a college tuition. After much looking, we found one at Walmart that was a decent price and seemed like it would blend in with our existing decor (how posh do I sound?) nicely. We got it home, and Paul spent about 2 hours building it. The next morning, we broke everything down and set all the TV stuff up on the new table, only to have it bow in the middle as soon as we put the TV on it, as well as rock violently if you happened to brush against it. So do I want exposed wires to chew on? Or the potential for the whole system to fall on baby? We took everything down, threw the table in the van, and drove it back to the store. Many stores later, we found one that would work, so we brought it home, set it up, and it seems sturdy enough.

Surprisingly enough, I was going to continue typing about that story, but then it occurred to me that could possibly be the most boring and mundane story I could tell you. Rather than erase it, thus erasing all effort that's been put into this entry, I am going to leave it there. Now you know that I really do take into consideration what you have to read on this site. I CARE.

Still to come: I finally found the picture that I am going to send with Alex every time she needs to bring a baby picture into school with her. Be excited. Well, not too excited. I don't want you to get your hopes up. But I think it's great, and once I find my camera cord, it will be on.


Anna D. said...

dude, you grew up with two brothers... I think your little guy will be ok. :)

Manda said...

A BOY! WOO HOO!! You get one of each!! SO awesome! Yay! And hooray that you found out... doesn't it help you wrap your mind around things a little sooner?
And he'll be fine ... he'll have a big sister to boss him around. Hee!
And the t.v. stand story? I totally blog like that sometimes too. But then I've written it all and it's too late and I just publish it. Wheee!

Anonymous said...

Yea for a baby boy! Now you can pick a name (will you use the one you had for Alex had she been a boy? I always wonder that...), get the clothes, prepare for being peed on at every diaper change in the middle of the night... You'll be great, boys are really quite easy. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Clearly I have not been paying enough attention to you because this was the first I even heard of BABY news, let alone BOY news. I love my little boy, and can't imagine anything else. Plus, you get to train him to be the perfect man :)