Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My family.

I love my daughter (among other reasons, of course) because she holds the ability to scream through an entire dinner at Olive Garden, reaching notes I think only dogs could hear. And she wasn't screaming because she was upset. She was screaming because SITTING IN A HIGHCHAIR IS SO MUCH FUN! AND LOOK! THERE ARE PEOPLE EATING! THAT'S HILARIOUS! AND OH MY GOSH! IS THIS A COASTER? BEST. TOY. EVEEEERRRRR.

I love my husband (among other reasons, of course) not because after a long days work and taking care of both his women, he would let me convince him (in less than 5 minutes) that it would be really funny if he stood still and let me throw a full glass of water at him, not because he would stand there willingly AGAIN because somehow I missed the first time even though I was standing not two feet from him, dousing the fridge, wall, calender, floor, dog, and whatever else was in that corner, but because he would help me clean the mess up after, laughing just as hard, if not harder, than I was.

Our house is a nuthouse. And it's so so perfect.

1 comment:

Manda said...

Wow you are one crazy prego. I can't believe you MISSED! HA! And I get the happy screaming thing. People look at me all "WTF?!" all the time and Syd is just having the happiest time of her life talk/screaming her little blessed head off! I LOVE IT!