Sorry for that last post. It was a weak moment during which I had access to the
internet. (Stupid accessible wireless technology.) Thanks for not coming back at me with totally justifiable comments that told me to suck it up. I appreciate it.
To make up for it, I have alot of random photos for you! Yay! (I am loading these while Alex is sitting on the kitchen floor reading a Reader's Digest. Gotta love pint-sized magazines!)
This one is just to prove that I do put pants on her occasionally. Well, I should say 'outfit'. But really, most of the time we are in the house, she is in a diaper and a t-shirt. And if that t-shirt happens to have buttons, it's never buttoned. Yay for lazy parenthood!

And this is an example of what happens when you use potato salad as hair product. Just in case you were ever tempted into trying it out.
This is what usually happens at night. It takes as many eyes as possible to watch Violet go retrieve her ball. Alex and daddy are a tag-team. They even share a beer or two. Now that's love.

CORN ON THE COB!!! BEST FOOD EVER!!!! (smothered in butter and parmesian cheese - if you haven't tried it, do it. Then understand that I am pregnant and I get to like whatever I want to like. Don't judge.)

And finally, this one needs some explanation. And perhaps this part could count as an actual 'update', so get ready. Paul and I are in a funny place right now. Our future is so jumbled and confused and changing on a daily and sometimes hourly basis, both of our heads are spinning. We don't know where we are going to be living, where Paul is going to be working. We could very well be here in this house doing the same job in ten years (please, Lord, NO!). But we don't know. We aren't very happy in this house, in this neighborhood. We've thought about moving out of state, and those choices include Colorado, maaaaaaaybe Michigan, Hawaii, overseas again... who knows. All of those are dependant on Paul getting certain jobs that he can apply for. Anyway, long story short, we are starting to look in to options that would keep up in St. Louis, but get us away from the area in which we currently reside. One of those options would be a community called
New Town. It's almost a Stepford Wives kind of town, with it's own ammenities, shops, lakes, pretty much anything you can think of. And all of the houses/apartments/lofts look alike (for the most part). We had looked into it when we first arrived, and it did not take us long to cross it off the list. Buuuuutttttt.... Now, having seen just how hard it is to be sure you are getting into a nice neighborhood around here, the idea doesn't seem to bad. So we went there to check on some displays and kind of get the feel. We were both impressed with the houses, and were kind of impressed with everything that you have access to while living there. As we were leaving, I happened to ask if there was some type of list that had the bylaws on it, and the woman nodded and went to the back to retrieve this:

FOUR PACKETS OF RULES. I don't think Calvin had this many rules. I went through them last night and most of them are common sense, but some are pretty interesting. They definitely take it upon themselves to make sure that at least the fronts of the houses all look similar. No signs, a limit to how many garden accessories you can have, curtains must be white. All sorts of things. But there was one that mentioned that pets must be kept quiet so as not to disturb anyone that had Paul and I salavating at the mouth and ready to put a down payment on it. Although I don't know what I would do without a chorus of dogs to put me to sleep at night. Anywho, it might have stayed on the possibility list if it hadn't occurred to me last night that none of the houses we saw had backyards, which probably means that none of the houses COME with backyards, which would definitely mean that I would be dragging my sorry butt out with two kids every time Violet had to take a pee. Awesome.
Uh-well. We'll keep looking. Keep changing our minds every day. It will come to something eventually.
Hope this made up for the last post :)