Saturday, May 16, 2009


Tonight, my husband and I went on a date. Technically for his birthday, though that was this past Thursday. We were both looking forward to some 'adult time', which doesn't happen very often.

It was a fun night... nice to eat without having to worry about cutting up someone else's food, or having to shovel it in her mouth quickly enough to avoid a food-throwing tantrum. And, may I just say, that I smiled to myself just a little (and maybe gloated along with my husband... juuuuust a little) as we watched a mother struggle with her infant who refused to sit in his highchair, and as we listened to some unseen child SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF for various reasons. Pre-child, all I would be thinking is, "This is slightly irritating. Ok, really irritating. Would like that child to be still and shutup!" Post-child, all I was thinking (nay, screaming in my head) was, "NOT MY CHILD! NOT MY CHILD! ALLELUIA! NOT MY CHILD!" And I enjoyed every second of it. Every scream, every whine. Not one ounce of irritation. Just gloating. Does this make me a bad person?

One other thing that I was thinking throughout our entire dinner? And ice cream after? And walk around World Market after that? "Am I in labor? Really? Tonight? Of all nights? We finally get rid of our child, and out pops this one? DO I NOT GET A BREAK?!" To take the suspense out of this story, it ended up being a false alarm, but the entire time we were out, I was getting this SEVERE pressure down south. And it wasn't like the contractions I have been getting. It was entirely waist-down, and it was such that I really would not have been surprised if a bowling ball dropped right out of my lady-parts. Because that is what it felt like was happening. It wasn't entirely painful (although you would think a bowling ball stuck in your groin would be, correct?), just really uncomfortable. It would come and go, and every once in a while a contraction would hit that I would recognize. The good old tightening of the abs. But, for a while there, all I could think was, "I really should have packed my bags when my mother told me to." So guess what we are doing after I hit 'Publish Post'? Packing bags. Getting the bed set up. And tomorrow? Going to Babies-R-Us to get what we need to be thrown back in to crying infant world.

See? All I needed was a swift bowling ball in the groin to get me moving. I'M GOING! I'M GOING!

Ps. Just ordered my camera. Won't ship till Tuesday. Will take about a week to get here. Hopefully little man waits! (Listen to me! Telling him to take his time! That's a first!)

1 comment:

Manda said...

DUDE! That is so crazy. I really hope your camera gets here in time!! :)
I laughed about the high chair story ... so true!!