Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doctor's Update: Week 36

I will be pregnant forever.

Still at 1 cm.
But cervix is 60% effaced.

He did tell me to pack my bags, though. Which I guess I should do. Because not only do I have to pack for myself and for the one on the way, but also one for Alex. (Which... that's the only part I am worried about... getting Alex to her babysitters on the way to the hospital... if I go into labor like I did with Alex, it won't be a problem, because it took a long time for me to get to the point where Paul's life was in danger... but if it progresses quickly... it could be an interesting ride... the hospital is a good 45 minutes away from us to begin with... I've mentioned to Paul that we should keep the camcorder handy. He said he'd get back to me. I don't think he wants evidence of him throwing his pregnant and laboring wife out of the car on the highway.)

At least I've made a list. Not of things to pack, but of things that need to be done pre-baby. Laundry, setting up the bed, getting things like.. I don't know.. diapers. If I drop the ball, I could always just tape some of Alex's on him. Whatever.

To be honest, I am feeling so unmotivated at the time. In my head, I know that I have 4 or less weeks. And still, can't get it done.

I'll keep you updated. I go every week now, so look for a doc update next Wednesday. And perhaps if I am trying to avoid doing something that would actually be useful, another update will come sooner than that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The diapers I gave u are size one! :)