Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Is that you, fall?? Oh, it's been too long.

We had a good day today. It was so gorgeous outside, how could we not? Whenever I can open a window in my house and not start to sweat immediately, it's a good day.

We started with breakfast, which Alex has absolutely no interest in.

She would much rather eat her highchair. Which is ok, I guess.

Then we took advantage of the GREAT weather and headed to the river. The Missouri River, that is. Nothing like Old Town St. Charles. It's probably one of my favorite places in St. Louis. (Fact: St. Charles was the first permanent settlement on the Missouri River. I figure it was settled by people like myself... "Yay! We made it to the Mississippi! There's the arch! Gateway to the West! To the beyond!" ...walk a few miles... "Ya, this is far enough.")

We saw the statue of Lewis and Clark... and their dog. Which Violet barked at the whole time we were next to it.

I'm not exactly sure what this sign is referring to. I think Violet was confused as well.

And this is what happens when you are the only one who understands, "Now everyone look at the camera!"

It was a great day. I was able to find a secluded bench and feed Alex so we could stay there a bit longer. I promptly slammed my elbow into the table, which didn't feel nice. I never thought of nursing in public as an extreme sport, but hey, I drew blood. You try getting a wiggling kid (with teeth) attached to your chest while not exposing bare skin (gasp!) to the public. It takes practice, that's for sure. And for the most part, people tend to give you your space if they realize what you are doing. I've only had one awkward moment so far, which was in the Zoo not too long ago. Alex needed to be fed, and we were there on a weekday, so I grabbed a table in one of the eating areas. There were about 25 tables in the section, and not one of them was occupied when I sat down. As soon as we got started, this young kid who was apparently on his lunch break came and sat DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM ME. He proceeded to eat his lunch and feed the birds and not meet my eyes (which was probably for his own sake, because I'm guessing he would have burned alive if he saw the look I was giving him). Probably... no.... Absolutely one of the most awkward moments in my life.



Manda said...

Great post! Love the pictures.
Does Alex's jacket say "Woot woot"? AWESOME!

Rachel said...

hah, Alex eating her chair is adorable!

Glad you got to enjoy some nice weather.

by the way, my new blog URL is http://madisunny.blogspot.com due to my dad's worrying of my name as my URL. so... there. Now you can actually link up to mine again =)