Thursday, September 4, 2008

REALLY?? Did you just DO that??

Recently, I had a salesman come to my house. He was trying to sell a cleaner that supposedly took off anything from anything else. He sprayed the apparent mold I had on my cement (uhhh... I think that's called... dirt). But look! It's clean now! He sprayed my door handle, and oooh, it's pretty now.
Then he said something about how it was safe for the environment.
He sprayed his fingers, and PUT THEM DIRECTLY INTO HIS MOUTH.

Really? You just powerwashed my driveway with that stuff, and now you are eating it??

Should I mention that he did not have his upper four front teeth? Just a minor, unrelated detail I am sure.


Manda said...

Mwahhhhh, guffaw, ohmygosh choking I am laughing so hard IT HURTS MY INCISION!! AHHHH!

Sara said...

gross. thats all I have to say. Besides, I cannot believe the Miz made it to wrestling. Thanks for that detail :)